This Black Slug is invading Australia at the speed of … slug
If you live in one of the cooler, wetter climes of Australia, you might have spotted this stunning black slime-machine cruising around. The name is
We are in the the middle of a Rainbow Stag bonanza. We have just had a large number of captive bred Rainbow Stag Beetles (Phalacrognathus muelleri) arrive from our breeder for sale in our online Bug Shop and for use in our education programs.
It also seems to be the year for these amazing beetles in the wild as for the first time since moving to Kuranda in 2010 we have seen three wild specimens – all in the last week! One flew to our light sheet and the one pictured below flew into our neighbour’s bedroom! Although not as large as some of the captive bred specimens we have, it’s great to see these wild beetles turning up. It certainly indicates they are doing quite well in the local rainforest.
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If you live in one of the cooler, wetter climes of Australia, you might have spotted this stunning black slime-machine cruising around. The name is
Have you heard there’s a new spider in town with a thirst for possum blood? Yesterday I was interviewed by Jules Schiller on ABC Drive
You’re reclining on your couch in the late evening, watching something on TV and thinking about heading to bed. Out of the corner of your
If you live in Australia, there’s one universal truth: you’ve got spiders in or around your house. The good news is that very few spiders