How to tell the sex of Australian tarantulas
Is your tarantula a male or female? How can you tell? In this article we’ll show you how to sex your tarantula!
Minibeast Wildlife’s bugs visit schools in Cairns
Minibeast Wildlife is engaging students throughout the Wet Tropics, visiting schools in Cairns, the Northern Beaches and the Tablelands.
A guide to feeding Australian tarantulas
‘I just bought a tarantula and it won’t eat! What do I do?’ ‘My spider hasn’t eaten for a week! I’m freaking out – is it ok?’ ‘How often should I feed my tarantula?’ These are some of the most common questions we hear at Minibeast Wildlife from new keepers of Australian tarantulas. It can […]
Breeding Australian tarantulas
It’s that time of year again at Minibeast Wildlife when we are pairing up many of our spiders, particularly our tarantulas. In the wild from late summer through to early winter males are roaming looking for mates. This is typically the time when we pair up our tarantulas to breed. This year has gone very […]
Minibeasts live online!
Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, we have obviously had to suspend our physical incursion to schools in both Victoria and Queensland. In response to this we have increased our online presence and have been presenting a number of different types of sessions for a wide range of audiences. We have started ‘Bugchat Live’ sessions […]
Spiderchat with Saige
Minibeast Wildlife has recently started a new YouTube channel ‘Spiderchat with Saige’ hosted by our 10 year old budding arachnologist. Saige has been around spiders her whole life, being part of the Minibeast Wildlife family. As a two-year-old she spent four months in the jungle in Costa Rica while Minibeast Wildlife worked on a Discovery Channel […]
Minibeasts – book by Alan Henderson
Minibeast Wildlife’s Alan Henderson has just released a new book titled ‘Minibeasts – True rulers of our world and the key to our survival’. The book has been released in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the US and the UK. It has already received a great deal of attention from around the world due to its […]
Spidentify – the Australian spider identification app
Our Australian spider identification app has been released! The app is called Spidentify and is already getting fantastic reviews from all around Australia and plenty of interest from overseas. Spidentify is interactive and really easy to use. It is useful for everyone from those with no biological backgrounds through to experienced zoologist needing some guidance […]
Minibeast TV now up and running
A little while back we trialed some short informative videos under the banner of Minibeast TV. These were really well received and we are happy to say that we will now be producing more of them on an ongoing basis. They will be shared on our Facebook page, on our You Tube Channel and of course […]
‘Fierce’ visits the Daintree
Minibeast Wildlife’s Alan Henderson spent the weekend working with Deadly 60’s Steve Backshall in the Daintree, in far north Queensland. Alan is featured as the spider expert for the new TV series ‘Fierce’ which will go to air this year. In the spider episode Steve and Alan venture into the rainforest searching for some of […]